About TBWK
I started beekeeping in 2011. Two beehives quickly turned into four. With the expansion came lots of honey! When extracting honey from a beehive, beeswax is a natural by-product because beeswax must be scraped off of the frames to expose the honey.
In 2012, with the beeswax collected during extracting, I bought my first candle mold and made my first candle. I also started making my own lip balm after not finding a natural lip balm I liked. In the years since then, I've learned and refined my candle-making process and expanded greatly from that first taper candle and lip balm in 2012.
Quality is extremely important to me. My lip balms have only high grade and safe ingredients. I source local and US-made ingredients whenever possible (some ingredients, like olive oil, are globally-sourced). Sustainability is also very important to me - earth-friendly and recyclable packaging are utilized here at the Bees' Waxy Knees!