This is an all-in-one healing salve, meant to treat an array of bumps, bruises, burns, and any other minor injuries that may occur! We're so proud to offer this new product, which includes some of our own homegrown ingredients (calendula and yarrow). In addition, all of the infused oils are infused here in-house with organic ingredients.
This salve was originally developed for our own children, because we wanted a more natural option to Neosporin. This salve is gentle (though if you are pregnant, nursing, or have other special health considerations, please research the ingredients prior to use). Our kids love having it on their boo-boos, and us adults like using it, too! It is formulated to calm skin irritations, and we have found it to be very effective with bug bites, minor burns, and other skin irritations. It also helps ease pain of small cuts and bruises.
Available in three sizes: 1oz (great travel our sample size!), 2oz, and 4oz.
When using this salve for the first few times, be sure to press down firmly to break the surface. Beeswax salves and lip balms tend to have a hard surface, but once you break through the salve is smooth and spreadable.
Infused organic olive oil (yarrow, calendula, arnica, comfrey, plantain), Beeswax, Shea butter, Vitamin E (Soy free), Grapeseed Oil, Essential Oil blend (tea tree, lavender, oregano,carrot seed, arina, hyssop)
Yarrow: Antimicrobial and known to stop bleeding and heal skin wounds.
Calendula: Anti-inflammatory & skin-soothing - it promotes new tissue growth in wound healing.
Arnica: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and antiseptic - arnica reduces inflammation, helps sooth pain, aches, and bruises.
Comfrey: Known to "knit together" wounds. It contains two important compounds, allantoin and rosmarinic acid, that encourage new cell growth, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.
Plantain: Contain flavonoids and tannins known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Well known for treating insect bites and stings, burns, skin eruptions, and wounds.